Open Bible Baptist Church - Elkhart

Open Bible Baptist Church is a Christian place of worship located in Elkhart, IN. Their denomination is listed as BAPT. They are a Protestant church.

Open Bible Baptist Church Directions
Open Bible Baptist Church
Elkhart, IN 46516
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Phone Number: 574-295-9606
Place of Worship Location
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Open Bible Baptist Church Discussions, Reviews, & Additional Information

Open Bible Baptist Church Discussions, Reviews, and Ratings
Average Rating

0 out of 5 stars from 0 reviews.

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Other Places of Worship in Elkhart
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122 Doctor Martin Luther King Drive
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Agape Missionary Baptist Church
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Saint Vincent De Paul Catholic Church
1108 South Main Street
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Highland Park Baptist Church
54162 Highland Boulevard
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Trinity United Methodist Church
2715 East Jackson Boulevard
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Trinity Lutheran Church _ South Campus
400 West Boulevard South
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Open Bible Baptist Church
331 North 2nd Street
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